"This is a glorious CD — it’s so easy to listen to and it is both beautifully performed

and recorded. Your songwriting is a joy — not to stress the point overmuch, but

you have a genuine gift for imagery and storytelling.  And to you and all of

the musicians on this CD — a standing ovation!  It’s tasteful and elegant

and appropriate and perfectly voiced for the different cuts." 

Janita Baker (Musician)



"This is a great album and you should be so pleased with it. Your vocals are

excellent. Lots of feeling and emotion with just a touch of Bob Dylan here

and there. I also love the cover and the art work. Nicely done all

around. I especially liked "For You" and "Love Comes Again."

"Edwin and Jewel"is a very touching story. Ronny would be

so proud of you."  Gail Davies (Musician/Producer)



The instrumentation on the album is gorgeous, Helped in part by an A-list of

local musicians such as producer Kenny Blackwell, Craig Nuttycombe (who

produced two of the songs), Damon Castillo, Louie Ortega, Cafe Musique

and many more as well."  Glen Starkey (New Times - SLO) 

Press Photos


“The Motel Inn", San Luis Obispo photographed by Albert Lyman, 1937 
From the collection of Ryk Kluver, Used by permission, all rights reserved.

Colorization by Elizabeth Read